The Other I

February 3, 2009

Diabetes of the brain?

Filed under: Just Stuff — theotheri @ 4:53 pm

I’ve never had a particularly good memory, possibly because I never used it much.  When I was growing up, I thought memorizing was generally a fall back to be used only when I couldn’t figure something out, but otherwise ignored.  To my regret, I now know few poems, and an embarrassingly small number of historical dates.

When I reached my fifties, however, forgetting a word, name, or date began to send a shiver down my spine.  What is this was a harbinger of Alzheimer’s disease?

I’m still forgetting words, names, and dates, though I have learned enough to know that this is not necessarily an indicator of some kind of dementia.

Still, I was both delighted and fascinated to learn that researchers at Northwestern University in the States and the University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil have presented some strong evidence that Alzheimer’s may be a form of diabetes of the brain.  If they are right, insulin and other drugs that effectively treat Type II diabetes might also effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease.

Must remember that…

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